starter motor problems-yaaa ya ya
matt drove the beast home to draper st-me and julian got him started after 5 mins-then i crashed into a lamp post (hes a hefty lad and thats some big long distance from driver to headlight)-but its only a broken headlight and shall be lovely replaced-we in the house celabrated by sitting in the car and drinking a bottle of wine and smoking a spliff-god damm im a happy car owner-reg only ran out the end of jan-so if you could email me previous owners full name ill sort out reg
good god if i find you ladys again itll be more than your face ill be to the green ant to play pool
shall mail you soon
hope holiday is goin good and that you two are buzzin and gasping etc etc
akakakakakakak simon
...they are closing cafe soon and ive no time these days with drinking and work etc
anyway reciently i had some great luck cause i swaped a $49.90 vibrator for a fully functional 1984 ford falcon-a dildo for a car,god damm i love this country
i still have to get it regestered etc-but it means i can buy a tent etc and drive the east coast of oz when ive finished this diving malarky.anyway its free pool tuesday in the green ant and ive a thirst for carlton on me-hope alls good to you all and shall be mailing proper soon.
as you know i finaly got it together to get the fuck out of the whole couple thing and the recovery is still a happinin-ive been one half of a couple for nearly 5 years so its strange being single-what the fuck ive been single for months now and its still weird,at least ive managed to stop hugging a pillow to sleep-nasty habbits-aniway im not going in to it but lets just say alma made things really easy for me to leave and i jumped head first into this window of opertunity,it was such a buzz the day i booked my tickets-sitting outside the central bank in dublin lookin around thinking to my self "by bye by silly ireland"and uits been good ever since-my last summer in ireland was a mixture of fun tv work and a nationwide tour of drinking sessions saying good bye to all the various people in different places.
i flew to singapore in sept and boated it to indonersia-it was so crazy for the first week cause i was traveling through sumatra and everone i met was non english speaking locals-i had to remove the beard cause it was attracting to much attention-indo is a crazy country-very se asian-bus journeys are mad life and death races on roads highways that turn to dirt tracks in places.i traveled across sumarta and then north to nias island where i surfed a break that used to be on the world circut.really really cheap room for the night,meal,beer,motor bike to town all costing around a euro each-i wet some french people and we all made our way south to java-volcanos-hot springs-ate snake-dolphins riding the bow waves etc etc-then we parted and i carried on quickly across java to bali which is hindu instead of muslim and a bit more chilled out-bali had way more people and it was nice to meet fellow travelers from all over the world in beer drinking abundance-i did some more surfing on kuta beach and it was so so nice apart from the crouds on the waves.i then nipped over to lombok where i boated up to the gili islands (get a atlas fool).i met a load of people on the boat and we all hung out for the week-after they all fucked off on there merry way i did my open water and advanced dive course and fell in love with life under the sea-my 2 months of moving around were up and to be honest i was sick of constantly moving and meeting people only to go our seperat ways so i was looking forward to gettin here and setteling down for a bit.i arrived in cairns on my birthday and had a crappy evil job as wall as a wonderful room in a house after a few days.the place i was working in (The woolshed) is notorious around oz-anyone who has been to cairns has probly got shitfaced and pulled at the woolshed-its a tacky hole with repeditave bad music full of meat heads and drunkin sluts-great for passing through but darn right evil to work in-so finaly after nearly 2 months i got the fuck out and started my dive master training-which is on the oposite side of the job satisfaction level-basically i work 90 days for the company during which i get trained to a dive master level-i work on a catamerang called the supercat-we bring about 60 divers,snorklers, students etc 50km out to the great barrier reef for the day-through em in the water and bring them home-its a bare feet and board shorts job-the reef is so beautiful as are the many bikini cled hotties who are on the boat every day-the diving is great and all my work mates are funny-im having such a buzz telling the customers about reef gecos,kodiak marmacants, marine bats and any other fictional animals i can make up-unfortunatly i dont reall get paid for this but i eat for free and there is loads of cheap/free ways of drinking in this party town-a couple of the clubs have a "power hour" where anyone in the hospility industry gets a hours worth of free drinking-ive got dangerously drunk a coule of times.cairns is nice-about the size of cork-great barrier reef on one side-rain forrest on the other.its always between 23-33 degrees and is very humid-ther is a constant flow of back packers-with loads sticking around for a few months to work. ive been in the same house since i arrived-its 10 mins cycle from town-costs about e60 a week inc bills,big bed-pool-hammok etc.just finished a few months of hardcore spliffing but we decided to take a break for a bit,im living with 4 lads at the moment but there was 4 x19 year old sweedish ladys when i first arrived-nice
holly fuck ive thats some blabing ive been doing-right highlights so far and ill go email someone else
1 leaving ireland on my endless summer quest
2 surfing nias and kuta
3 scuba diving anwhere
4 skinny dipping in the new year with 2 sweedish 19 year olds
5 going to work every morning on the great barrier reef
6 swapping a vibrator for a 1985 ford falcon (when i get reg and licience sorted im going to drive down the south coast)
7 smoking on th pourch watching these massive fruit bats flying over head nightly
8 drive through off licieces and readily available pure mdma
9 going swimming any time day or night in pool
10 being free and single and happy
Love it - would nearly bring a tear to me eye thinking back to the first summer I met you :) Great stuff, keep it up!