Thursday, March 11, 2010

2003 28 october gili islands

i do believe i shall never forget my first time when me along with several others-equiped with tanks of compressed air and various plastic and rubber out fits fell of the side of a boat and proceded to happly explore the ocean bottom-grey outlines of sharks zipping bye in the gloom-3 massive turtles like some kind of dinosaurs eating at the corral-fish of every colour and if you just follow the direction of your bubles upwards you see the underside of the sea 12 meters above you-i do believe i have found another new purpus in life-the sea,in the seas,on the sea,under the sea-the sea is for me-the lovely warm tropical salty beautiful life filled sea.
one dive today and 9 left-lots of books to read still and more instructional videos but its quite a relaxed course-all the crew who were staying have left but 1, matt from england.soon ill get to do a 30meter dive,you get nitrogen narcosis at that debt and its like being drunk-its also a bit like your yoga cause your controling you breathing-slowly and deeply so you really relax and everything around you blows you away-its sad to get back to the boat-ill probably get one more week out of this wonderful place before returning to bali-then im gonna work my ass of in oz and get back here as soon as possible-probably a little to optomistic but we can all dream-your in my thoughts alma and i hope all is good with you and that you can quickly get out into this world asap and get blown away too-im serriously willing you the strenght to get you escape of ratraceireland together-ive been talking to so many people about so many places-you could travel all your life and still not experience everywhere this planet has to offer-bola--teehehe
i gotta split and do my home work-chaty soony akakak

i muudderfuckkinn diver mannnn,
mental fish bastards live under the ocean and bye christ the next shit load of money i make im going to but a fuckoff camera with water casing,laptop editor and travel the world fliming rich tourist divers as the swim about looking at these aforementioned mental fish bastards-why not get a second camera and make a few surf videos for other rich surfer types-i tells ya lads-there is a niche here to travel,surf,dive,party and sit on our arses drinking cold beers on little islands waiting for beautiful canadian ladys to come back from whereever they have gote to-a little capital-some camera traning in large swell and a few dive courses-i have seen the light-and its reflecting off crystal blue tropical oceans and it makes the sand so bright you have to squint.....the ball is in your court gentle men-think about it and/or let me know......

been havin some great chats with matt about philosophy,mankind,workin,life,love and ladys-its kinda scary when you meet another version of yourself!!startin new dive course tomorrow-of down deeper for longer-its such fun in fact that iver decided to arse the tvwork and sydney onto the back burner and head to carnes in north oz-a big lahinchy sounding place that aussias and travelers alike all seem to pine about-probably get back to the bar work and try get my dive master through pimpin my self to a dive center to do all the donkey work-3 months and ill be a dive master-then i can come back here or thailand and start as a trainee instructer-then i could travel the world teachin diving as i go-thats the new plan but traveling alone gives you such freedom to chop and change you future-plans are made to be broken

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