Thursday, March 11, 2010

2003 19sept Pintan

adu kabar...
i arrived ok at my destination-the island of Pintan
about 60km southeast of singapore-i havent seen any
"westners" since getting of the plane but have gotten
used to the staring.i still trying to get used to the
money-i think i withdrew 20 millian today by
accident-but a box of ciggeretts costs 6000 so i think
im ok.i,m probaby going to stay here for a few days
and check out the beaches on the other side-hopefully
ill meet a few english speakers a find out about other
places to far ive seen no sun so its very
stormy and humid.i ate for the first time since the
plane today-two local women bought me lunch-last night
i had a few beers with some of the local lads-(all in
their 30s) who were keen to met anyone who spoke
english-one of them was a sailor who had been to
belfast and cork in 1979-i got my malaria pills ok
just as well cause i got nibbled last night-i also
managed to bring to much stuff-oh well.i better go and
see if my new friends want to bring me on an expencive
tour of the island-i think soon lots of love
akakak simon

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